Viewing Trending & Top Stories on the HackerNoon App

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Product Minting
How to

The HackerNoon mobile app makes it easier than ever to check what’s trending on the HackerNoon website. As a HackerNoon user, you have the option to check out Top Stories as curated by HackerNoon editors or simply go to the “Trending” page to discover stories that have been trending on the website.

Haven’t downloaded the app? No problem! Download the HackerNoon App on your favorite App Store. Click here to download for iOS or here for Android.

Top Stories

To begin, log into the app.

By default, the app will show you Top Stories on the HackerNoon app homepage.

Default view

Default view

To explore the complete list, simply click on “Read Top Stories” and the app will redirect you to the appropriate page.

Top Stories

Top Stories

From here, you can explore top stories both new and old.

Top Stories

Top Stories

To view what’s trending, simply click on the trending icon in the bottom left part of the app.

Trending icon

Trending icon

From here, you can view the Top 20 stories trending all over HackerNoon in the past 24 hours.

Trending Stories

Trending Stories

Be sure to return to the app from time to time to see how the rankings change.

Happy exploring!

Haven’t downloaded the app? No problem! Download the HackerNoon App on your favorite App Store. Click here to download for iOS or here for Android.

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