The DevOps Writing Contest: Round 1 Results Announced!

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Product Minting

The wait is over. We bring you the first list of winners of the DevOps writing contest by Aptible and HackerNoon. First, let’s look at the stats for Round 1 - we have published 61 #devops stories, generating almost 15 days of reading time! Kudos to all the participants; y’all rock!

Reading about the DevOps Writing Contest for the first time?

HackerNoon and Aptible bring you an exciting opportunity. Share your #DevOps expertise and win the DevOps writing contest! $18,000 worth of prizes await you.

Need ideas to write? You can write anything related to DevOps. The sponsor is interested in reading about the challenges in implementing the DevOps infrastructure and how you deal with them. Click on this template for more details.

About Aptible

Aptible’s hosting platform automates the work of provisioning, managing, and scaling infrastructure so developers can focus on what actually matters: their product. Get started for free with Aptible.

The DevOps Writing Contest: Round 1 Finalists

For selecting the nominations, we picked all the stories with the #devopstag on HackerNoon, published in August. Then, we chose the top stories weighing in the following factors:

  1. Number of hours read
  2. The number of people reached
  3. The originality of the content
  4. Relevance to the topics shared by the sponsor. See the contest’s writing prompt here.

Here’s the list of the Round 1 finalists:

Round 1 Winners of The DevOps Writing Contest by Aptible

In the first place, we have:

article preview

Deploying a Scalable and Secure Node.js REST API with MongoDB on Aptible | HackerNoon

Learn to deploy a secure Node.js REST API with MongoDB on Aptible. Build scalable web apps with robust security.

Docker containers and Aptible orchestration ensure scalability as your user base grows. With this deployment, you can confidently expand your app's features. This guide equips you to create, secure, and scale modern web applications on Aptible.

Congratulations, @wise4rmgod! You have won $1,500.

The second position is won by:

article preview

JWT and Azure AD Authentication: How to Marry Them? | HackerNoon

The core principles of AD authentication for third-party services with the use of the MSAL Python library and Flask.

It’s a good exercise in case your third-party service does not support SSO authentication (or you just don’t want to pay much for it) - but you would be happy with a simple solution. All you need is Python, Docker, and, surely, an understanding of what you are going to do.

Well deserved, @fmira21! You have won $1,000.

In the third place, we have:

article preview

Cultural Challenges in DevOps Adoption and How to Overcome Them | HackerNoon

Explore the cultural hurdles that can hinder successful DevOps adoption and discover effective strategies to overcome them.

Shift the culture from blame to learning. Highlight that mistakes are opportunities for improvement, not sources of shame. Encourage open discussions about failures and share lessons learned. This psychological safety fosters innovation and motivates teams to collaborate fearlessly.

@ezikielemmanuel has won 500$!

Congratulations to all the winners of the DevOps Writing Contest. We will contact y’all via email to share the next steps. Visit to learn more about running and upcoming contests.

The HackerNoon writing contests primarily aim to celebrate quality content and recruit educational stories for our community. We congratulate all the finalists. However, the Editorial team can ban a writer and/or disqualify a story if we find any misconduct like plagiarism, copyright infringement, or disinformation.

The DevOps Writing Contest is sponsored by Aptible. Aptible’s hosting platform automates the work of provisioning, managing, and scaling infrastructure, so developers can focus on what actually matters: their product. Get started for free with Aptible.

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